Mysqlbinlog (3)

Posted on Jan 17, 2024




filed bytes desc
timestamp 4 自1970-01-01 00:00:00以来的秒级数
eventType 1 当前event的类型
serverID 4 mysql server id
eventLength 4 当前even的字节长度
nextEventPos 4 下一个event的位置
flag 2


filed bytes desc
tableid 6 table id
flags 2 flags
extra_info variable
column_count variable column_count
columns_image int((column_count + 7) / 8)
null_map int((column_count + 7) / 8)
values variable list of value for each column
CRC32 4 event 校验码



   <td>An object of class Extra_row_info</td>
   <td>The class Extra_row_info will be storing the information related
       to m_extra_row_ndb_info and partition info (partition_id and
       source_partition_id). At any given time a Rows_event can have both, one
       or none of ndb_info and partition_info present as part of Rows_event.
       In case both ndb_info and partition_info are present then below will
       be the order in which they will be stored.

       |type_code |        extra_row_ndb_info            |
       +--- ------+--------------------------------------+
       | NDB      |Len of ndb_info |Format |ndb_data     |
       | 1 byte   |1 byte          |1 byte |len - 2 byte |

       In case of INSERT/DELETE
       | type_code | partition_info |
       |   PART    |  partition_id  |
       | (1 byte)  |     2 byte     |

       In case of UPDATE
       | type_code |        partition_info              |
       |   PART    | partition_id | source_partition_id |
       | (1 byte)  |    2 byte    |       2 byte        |

       source_partition_id is used only in the case of Update_event
       to log the partition_id of the source partition.

       This is the format for any information stored as extra_row_info.
       type_code is not a part of the class Extra_row_info as it is a constant
       values used at the time of serializing and decoding the event.


column_count 表示event中包含的列数。所占空间大小计算

uint net_field_length_size(const uchar *ptr) {
 if (*ptr <= 251) return 1;
 if (*ptr == 252) return 3;
 if (*ptr == 253) return 4;
 return 9;

uint64_t net_field_length_ll(uchar **packet) {
 const uchar *pos = *packet;
 if (*pos < 251) {
   return (uint64_t)*pos;
 if (*pos == 251) {
   return (uint64_t)NULL_LENGTH;
 if (*pos == 252) {
   (*packet) += 3;
   return (uint64_t)uint2korr(pos + 1);
 if (*pos == 253) {
   (*packet) += 4;
   return (uint64_t)uint3korr(pos + 1);
 (*packet) += 9; /* Must be 254 when here */
 return (uint64_t)uint8korr(pos + 1);

column_count = net_field_length_ll


column_image 表示event中使用的列.

如一个有4个字段的表. 占1byte. 0xf 1111 . 表示使用了所有字段.

以为是insert 指定字段时的map,但是这两条sql的 column_image 都是0xf.

insert into t(a,b,c,d) values(1,2,3,4) 
insert into t(a,c,d) values(1,3,4) 


null_map 表示event中哪些字段为null.

如一个有4个字段的表. 占1byte. 0xf 1111 . 表示insert所有字段均不为null.

insert into t(a,b,c,d) values(1,2,3,4) null_map = 0xf 1111
insert into t(a,c,d) values(1,3,4) null_map = 0xb 1011


values 存储了insert时的所有字段值.


mysql> desc test;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| c1    | smallint    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c2    | int         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c3    | bigint      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c4    | datetime    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c5    | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| c6    | text        | YES  |     | NULL    |       |


|    4 |    4 |    4 | 2024-01-16 15:16:39 | 44444 | 111111111122222233333444444 |


         04 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 99 B2 60 F4 27 05 34 34 34
34 34 1B 00 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 34
34 34 34 34 34
filed type desc
c1 smallint 04 00
c2 int 04 00 00 00
c3 bigint 0400 0000 0000 0000
c4 datetime 99B2 60F4 27
c5 varchar(20) 05 34 34 34 34 34
c6 text 1B00 313131313131313131313232323232323333333333343434343434

datetime 由于没有秒级以下的精度.所以只占5bytes







filed bytes desc
tableid 6 table id
flags 2 flags
extra_info variable
column_count variable column_count
columns_before_image int((column_count + 7) / 8)
columns_after_image int((column_count + 7) / 8)
before_null_map int((column_count + 7) / 8)
before_values variable list of value for each column
after_null_map int((column_count + 7) / 8)
after_values variable list of value for each column
CRC32 4 event 校验码